Motor Vehicle

Drivers of the Storm – Flood Waters and Car Accidents

In 2022 the widespread flooding in South-East Queensland and New South Wales caused over 1,000 schools to be closed.

When it comes to driving in flood-prone areas, it is essential to take extra precautions to avoid car accidents involving flood waters. While driving through standing water may seem like a minor inconvenience, it can be incredibly dangerous and potentially deadly. Here are some tips for staying safe when driving in flood-prone areas:

  1. Avoid driving through standing waterOne of the most important things you can do to avoid car accidents involving flood waters is to avoid driving through standing water whenever possible. Even a small amount of water can cause your car to hydroplane, lose traction, or even stall out. If you encounter a flooded road or standing water, turn around and find an alternate route.
  2. Don’t underestimate the power of moving waterit’s important to remember that even a small amount of moving water can be incredibly powerful and dangerous. If you encounter a flooded road with moving water, do not attempt to drive through it. The force of the water can easily sweep your car away or cause it to become submerged.
  3. Check the depth of the waterBefore attempting to drive through standing water, it’s important to check the depth of the water. If you’re not sure how deep the water is, find an alternate route. Even a small
    amount of water can cause significant damage to your car, and driving through deeper water can be incredibly dangerous.
  4. Turn aroundIf you’re not sure whether it’s safe to drive through standing water, turn around and find an alternate route. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and the potential consequences of attempting to drive through flood waters are simply not worth the risk.

When it comes to driving in flood-prone areas, it’s essential to take extra precautions to avoid car accidents involving flood waters. Remember: when in doubt, it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

Personal Injury Claims

At Claimwise our mission is to help you save money on your legal fees. By starting your CTP claim with a traditional ‘No Win, No Fee’ law firm your total legal fees can end up being $10,000 or more higher than by using us.

If you or someone you know have been injured on the road in Queensland and want to keep your legal costs down, feel free to get in touch with us.

Be smart, claim wise.

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