Motor Vehicle

Car Accidents and Chill – What to do after a car accident in Queensland

Car accidents can be incredibly stressful experiences for everyone involved. Whether you’re a driver, passenger, pedestrian, cyclist, or motorcyclist, if you’re not sure what to do after a car accident, this article can help you through a potentially difficult time.

Scene of the accident

It’s important to remain as calm as possible at the scene of the accident. Your number one priority is the safety of yourself, other passengers, and other road users.

If emergency services are required, make sure you call 000 as soon as possible.

Make sure you and all the other vehicles put your hazard lights on. Then, if it’s safe for everyone to move their cars, and no one requires immediate medical assistance, you should move all the vehicles involved out of the way of any traffic.

Exchange Details

Luckily most people know the important details to get from the other drivers involved in the incident:

  • Drivers Licenses
  • Any insurance details that the other drivers have
  • Location of the car accident
  • Photographs of the incident, showing
    • Damage to cars
    • Any skid marks from the involved vehicles
    • Traffic lights, signs, and any other relevant land marks or features
  • Keep an eye out for traffic cameras that may have potentially recorded the accidentk
  • Approximate time and date (these are on the photographs that most people take)
  • Details of any other witnesses

Report the Car Accident to the Police

It is a requirement under Queensland law that all car accidents where there is damage to vehicles or
other property, or if anyone is injured or dies, are reported to the police. 1

It is best to file these reports as soon as possible after the car accident, whilst details are fresh in
everybody’s mind.

Car Accident Claims

At Claimwise our mission is to help you save money on your legal fees. By starting your CTP claim
with a traditional ‘No Win, No Fee’ law firm your legal fees can end up being $10,000 or more higher
than by using us.

If you or someone you know have been injured on the road in Queensland and want to keep your
legal costs down, feel free to get in touch with us.

Be smart, claim wise.

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