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Personal Injury Lawyers

Being smart could save you up to 50% or more on your legal fees


About us

Our mission is to help you save money!

Unlike other personal injury law firms in Queensland, we do the work cheaper, and charge based on where your claim resolvesnot as an ongoing bill.

Our work is still done on a “No Win No Fee” basis, so you’re never out of pocket, but we do it smarter, and without the price tag.


Tell me how!

Our first tier of work caps our fees for running the first half of your personal injury claim at $2,000 (+GST) where other law firms would typically charge up to $10,000 or more.

Depending on where we resolve your claim, our next tiers (informally negotiating a settlement to your matter, attending a compulsory settlement conference, or even running the matter to trial) continue our offer to run your claim significantly cheaper than traditional personal injury law firms.

AND because we charge in tiers, you don’t have to worry about endlessly racking up expensive legal fees if you need extra advice or support along the way.

Because it’s your personl injury claim, only smarter.

Get more out of your compensation 

What is Claimwise?

We’re a Queensland-based “no win no fee” personal injury law firm whose mission is to help you save money on your personal injury legal fees.

By choosing to charge significantly lower fees than other law firms and using a different billing structure, in our first year we resolved 3 claims (hey, it’s a start!) and saved our clients over $60,000 in fees!

How does Claimwise save me money on my legal fees?

Glad you asked!

Unlike other personal injury law firms in Queensland, we help you save money in two main ways:

  1. We do the work cheaper, and charge based on where your claim resolves. Our first tier of work caps our fees for running the first half of your personal injury claim at $2,000 (+GST) where other law firms would typically charge up to $10,000 or more. Then, depending on where we resolve your claim, our next tiers (informally negotiating a settlement to your matter, attending a compulsory settlement conference, or even running the matter to trial) continue our offer to run your claim significantly cheaper than traditional personal injury law firms.
  2. There’s no ongoing bill. Because we charge in tiers, you don’t have to worry about endlessly racking up expensive legal fees if you need extra advice or support along the way.

How expensive are legal fees usually?

Although the numbers change from claim to claim, personal injury legal fees are usually around $25,000+ for a motor vehicle accident claim and $40,000+ for a common law workers’ compensation claim. For claims that take longer than 2 years, the fees easily can be $65,000+ or more.

Fees are then billed in two ways:

If legal fees are less than 50% of your compensation (less statutory refunds, disbursements and outlays), then lawyers will take all of their fees out of your compensation.

If legal fees are 50% or more of your compensation (less statutory refunds disbursements and outlays), lawyers are limited to taking 50% of your compensation. This is called the ’50/50 Rule’.

Need more information? – The vast majority of personal injury legal fees are charged by “time billing”. This is where law firms use an hourly rate for certain tasks and then charge for time spent doing the work. Importantly, this work is charged in indivisible 6-minute blocks or “units”.

For example, a solicitor that takes 1 minute to read an email from you that progresses your claim would charge a single 6 minute unit for the work (even if it only takes a minute or two). A common perusal rate for a senior lawyer is approximately $600.00 per hour + GST ($60.00 per unit + GST), so your lawyer reading your email can cost around $66.00 per unit.

Lastly, most law firms in Queensland charge an “uplift fee”, which is 25% on their professional fees (due to the ‘risk’ of taking on the work on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis). With the uplift fee, reading your email would then cost $82.50.

With most personal injury claims taking around 1 – 2 years to resolve, it’s not hard to see how lawyers can either bill you tens of thousands of dollars for their work, or take around 50% of your compensation..

Do I have to pay anything upfront?


Our professional fees are charged on a “no win, no fee” basis (like every other firm) and significantly capped (not like every other firm).

This means that our fees are only charged if your claim is successful, and only ever deducted from compensation paid by the relevant insurer at the end of the claim.

This way you’re never out of pocket.

Will I get more money "in hand" at the resolution of my claim by using Claimwise than a traditional 'no win, no fee' firm?


There are two scenarios for when a personal injury claim resolves:

  1. The ’50/50 Rule’ applies and lawyers are only allowed to take 50% of your compensation (less statutory refunds, disbursements and outlays) regardless of what fees they’ve racked up (hence being called the ’50/50′ Rule);


2. The ’50/50 Rule’ doesn’t apply  and lawyers are allowed to charge everything they’ve billed you for.

In situations where the 50/50 Rule applies, we choose to cap our fees at 25% rather the 50% that other traditional law firms charge, saving you 50% on your legal fees.

In situations where the 50/50 Rule doesn’t apply, the fees that we choose to charge (which are fixed based on where your claim resolves, rather than as an ‘ongoing bill’) are usually around half of what other law firms typically charge for the same amount of work.

Either way, we’re confident that you’ll be saving up to 50% or more on your legal fees, than with traditional personal injury firms.

Be smart, claim wise.