Motor Vehicle

Rental Car Roulette – What to do if your rental car is involved in a car accident

The car rental industry in Australia is worth approximately $964 million AUD, and with over 1,500 businesses renting out tens of thousands of rental vehicles every year, it is important to know what happens if you’re in a car accident in a rental car.

Injured People

Every car in Australia is covered by compulsory third party (“CTP”) insurance, which generally covers injuries that occur to people involved in car accidents, and rental cars are generally no different.

If you’re injured in a car accident in Queensland that involves a rental car, the steps that you should take are no different than those you take after an ordinary car accident.

  • Firstly, contact emergency services if the situation requires it.
  • Second, if it is safe for the drivers to move the vehicles out of danger, move the vehicles so as not to create the risk of further car accidents.
  • Third, when safe to do so, exchange details with the other driver, ensuring you grab their full name, contact details, and details of the rental car company that the vehicle is rented from (if possible, including car number, policy number, etc.).
  • After you’ve done the above, it’s always a good idea to take several photos of the accident scene and any damage to the cars.
  • Fourth, Queensland law requires drivers to report any car accidents where there is damage to vehicles or other property, or if anyone is injured or dies. You can report the car accident at Policelink (131 444) or by contacting (000)

Rental Drivers

Rental drivers involved in a car accident should follow all the steps above, but also call their rental car company to discuss the next steps. Because car accidents happen unexpectedly, it is important to ensure that you inform yourself of your rental car CTP insurance policy by reading and discussing the policy with the rental agency before you drive a rental car.

Car Accident Personal Injury Claims

At Claimwise our mission is to help you save money on your legal fees. By starting your CTP claim with a traditional ‘No Win, No Fee’ law firm your total legal fees can end up being $10,000 or more higher than by using us.

If you or someone you know have been injured on the road in Queensland and want to keep your legal costs down, feel free to get in touch with us.

Be smart, claim wise.

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